Friday, May 25, 2012

Memorial Day

First of all, as Memorial Day weekend approaches, I want to thank any of you reading this that has given your time to wear the uniform & to serve for the great country we live in! I enjoy the freedoms we share (and hope we can continue to keep all of our freedoms) and know that those freedoms came at a price, and for that, I say thank you!

I also think of those of us that have lost loved ones in the past and know that this weekend can be a time of reflection and remembering.

As for an update on me: Lately I have been feeling the effects of the return of heat & humidity, and the pollen count has been high, so there may be some allergy component in there as well. As long as I do my breathing treatments every 4 hours I feel OK (for the most part). I continue to go to pulmonary rehab and am up to 25 minutes on the treadmill!

Summer is in full swing and it's hard to believe that Dakota is going to be a Senior in high school next year! And, since it's summer-time, that also means I have someone at home during the daytime to help me out more!!! She's already hit me up for more allowance since the work-load is greater! lol

I hope you all have a great weekend! ((hugs))

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I don't have a whole lot to update, but wanted to let you know that over-all, I'm doing pretty well! I still have moments when I get pretty winded, but that usually happens just about the time I should be doing my Xopenex breathing treatment.

Many have you have shared with me that you are thinking of me and/or praying for me & that is soooo appreciated!

God Bless!