Today my staples were removed! Another baby-step. I saw the doctor yesterday and we have a loose plan of us leaving in April, for sure, and I'm hoping mid-April, but have to remember I'm on "Duke time" when planning things, so it could be late-April. A few things have to happen before I leave. A) a repeat bronch needs to happen to check for the aspergillus again and to check for rejection B) treatment of the aspergillus needs to get under-way (starting a nebulized antifungal soon) C) check my gastric emptying to see if my stomach is still delayed in emptying. D) hopefully I will pass gastric study and be able to eat normal food and have feeding tube pulled before returning home.
The 24 hour PH study was good, as was the GI mamommetry test. The CT Scan looked pretty good. There was one small area in my right lung where there may be a small focus of infection and/or a small part of my lung is deflated. I didn't understand if both things are occurring, or it could be one or the other.
I didn't know what to expect today with getting staples out, and Garry surprised me by taking the day off to accompany me. Of course, Shelly was prepared to go, but I feel more comfortable holding Garry's hand! lol Turns out, it was a cinch to get them out. There were over 70 staples that were removed!
Lung function was up from my last visit, so that's always nice. The lung function at the clinic compares to my readings I've been taking at home. This may be my new baseline, but I feel good, and that's what's important. I will keep pushing at rehab and take what God gives me, AND be thankful for this chance at an extended life that I've already been blessed with! God is good! J
May God bless each of you!