Wednesday, May 21, 2014

4 Months!

It seems unbelievable that yesterday marked 4 months since I received my transplant! It's also been 4 months for my donor's family, and I often say prayers for them and know that they most likely are still struggling.

I've been doing pretty good. I have finished tube feeds, am on a regular diet, and am getting my JG tube out next Tuesday. I still have to schedule a FEES (swallowing) test to see if I can drink plain water yet. I've kind of got used to the nectar thickened water and just make the best of it. When I talk to the doctor Tuesday, though, I will get a date nailed down for the FEES test.

Plans are for a 6 month visit to Durham in July. I'm excited to talk to the doctor then and get his opinion on a couple of things. For one, my lung function is down some since returning home and I've told the transplant coordinator more than once, but I don't get a sense of urgency from her, so having a dip in lung function may be normal (another question to ask!) I think she thinks (and it's very possible) that it could be allergy related. The wind has been non-stop in Kansas pretty much since the day we arrived home. There has probably been 1, maybe 2 days when it wasn't windy since we returned, and with drought conditions, it's been dusty at times as well.

I have been working out at a gym 5x a week and enjoy that! My goal is to keep pushing myself and to get these lungs in shape and get some improvement out of them, God willing!

That's really all I had. If there is anything new to report, I will.  Enjoy your summer--let's hope it's not going to be too hot!