Sunday, January 29, 2012

IVs done!

IVs were done & PICC line pulled on Friday, Jan 27th! I felt good; had really not been coughing at ALL, energy good, etc.  White Blood Cell count was still 18.0 & due to that, one doctor thought PICC should stay & the Dr that ordered IVs in the first place thought it’s time to pull it due to how I’ve been feeling. One theory is that being on steroids can cause false elevated WBC counts and being on steroids may be a part of life for me, as I will be on them for a bit longer at least. I also have a feeling that some yeast is brewing as well & wonder if that can cause that number to be elevated as well? The plan is to do a CBC again Monday or Tuesday & see what WBC number is that day.

Yesterday was a great day--felt good, had energy, no coughing, no noticeable SOB, sats good, etc. We traveled 1.5 hours to have lunch with my Dad and even shopped for prom dresses for Dakota at a couple of stores.

Today I'm still doing pretty good; however, I can feel some obstruction :( and am bringing up a bit, but praise God it's not red or brown! We'll see what the day holds--sometimes I am a bit congested in the a.m. and do better as the day goes on. I plan to go to church and then to one store that sells prom dresses. I don’t plan to over-do it, but also have to live life.

As for St Louis—the transplant coordinator will see the transplant doctor on Tuesday & will discuss my case with him then. I would assume something will be set up for me by mid-week. I will advise of when the evaluation is when I find out. 

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