Friday, March 23, 2012


Thought it was time for an update. First of all--no blood of any kind today and only had very minimal yesterday! Praise The Lord for that!

Secondly, I got the PICC line removed today and am glad to be done with IVs! I will continue on 2 weeks of oral meds to see if there is further improvement, but both Dr and I felt like the IV meds had probably done all they were going to by this 3 week point. I am a bit disappointed that I'm not as good as I usually am post-IVs, but that may be the norm now. It seems that each time I use IVs they are a little less-effective then they were the last time & I have a feeling this also happens with my CF friends that have frequent IV therapy too.

It has been such a joy to have Dakota home and she's been such a help to me this week! Her boyfriend visits often, so he's gotten in on the chores and probably received a limited education on a few medical situations/procedures as well! We really like him--he's a good kid and I'm glad Dakota has had him to lean on. I'm sure this is just how they envisioned spending their Spring Break too! LOL The weather here has been cloudy & rainy this week, for the most part, so I don't think they feel like they've missed out on too much.

The plan from here is to let my body heal, catch up on some sleep and see what the oral medications do in the next couple of weeks and then assess where I need to be as far as going to St. Louis. Prayers for healing and guidance appreciated.  God Bless

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