Friday, July 13, 2012


I don't have a lot new to report, just wanted to issue an update for anyone checking in periodically.

I have actually been feeling a little better lately J Possibly the humidity is lower since we've had such a hot spell with no moisture to speak of?  Possibly the doxycycline worked, and for sure, there's a good chance that the prayers have worked! It could be all 3!  At any rate, I'm thankful that I'm doing better!

Summer has been busy with Dakota home and I've missed a few pulmonary rehab sessions here and there, but I look forward to getting back in my routine when school starts!

We are taking a vacation to South Dakota and then to Branson soon, so I hope I do well at both destinations! I hope all of you are staying healthy & staying in where it's cool!



  1. Glad to hear you're feeling better Lynda!

  2. Hey Lynda, what's the outlook for the transplant ?

  3. I had to figure out who PC was! lol

    We go the end of August for an evaluation. I have been feeling a bit better the last couple of weeks & if that trend continues, I may move the August appointment down the road a month or two (per their advice at Barnes Jewish) so as not to waste the Dr's time & our unnecessary trip to St Louis. Thanks for asking about me & I hope your bunch is doing well :)
