I am back in Kansas and tired out! I had the heart cath on Monday and then spoke to one of the pulmonary doctors on Tuesday. He confirmed that the heart cath looked good, verified what drugs I am allergic to, and said "Well, it appears it's time for you to be listed for transplant. When you can get moved up here and settled in, we will put you on the list." My first thought was Eeks!! I didn't think he would tell me there on the spot, I figured I would get the "we'll present your case before the board...." speech.
When I got back to the hotel, I had a lot to think about: things needed to be set into place for when I'm gone, when am I moving, who is going to do the things I normally am responsible for at the home, how is Dakota going to cope, etc, etc, etc. Some of this I had already considered and taken action to remedy, but it was all very "real" now! I was feeling a bit overwhelmed and frazzled.
A neat thing that happened in the midst of all of this is that I normally do a devotion out of a booklet each night at bedtime. Most of the Bible passages that correspond with the daily devotions are in the New Testament, so I normally just take a small New Testament Bible when I travel. Well....Tuesday's devotion was based on a passage in the Old Testament, so I just read the pamphlet portion. I still felt like I should read "something" out of the Bible, so I said "I will just open it up and where ever I open it is what God wants me to read tonight."
The chapter I opened to was Philippians 4. At first I thought "OK...?" Then, there in verses 6-7 it said, " Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." It could not have been a more perfect passage for that moment in time for me!
The tentative plan is to move and be listed by the end of November. I will continue to keep you updated. As always, thank you so very much for your thoughts and prayers!
Congratulations! And we will now focus our prayers on getting the right lungs at the right time and for peace and God's comfort to be with you and your family during the waiting. I remember the days and months we waited for John's dad to receive a heart. God is faithful.