Friday, November 2, 2012

Thank YOU!

I just wanted to thank you for the thoughts and prayers!  I had a better day yesterday and am doing better so far today, so praise God for that!

Garry's parents and one of his brothers and his wife will be in town this weekend, so it will be busy!

I hope all of you have a great weekend!


  1. Lynda, thanks for posting this link on the RCC prayer chain. I'm going to try to tune in here regularly to keep track of your health progress. I hope that at some time or another you have had the joy of talking to Chuck and Nancy Morrow. They have the most marvelous story of God's intervention for Chuck while he was at Mayo waiting for a new liver. The way everything fell together was clearly God directed as I know yours will be too. It will be wonderful to see you again once you are outfitted with new lungs. I'm sending you my love and will be praying for you.
    Marcia Awalt

  2. Thanks for the encouragement and prayers, Marcia! I hope to hear Chuck's story some day!
