Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Well folks we are having some difficulty with Lynda's CO2 gas. She can inhale good the problem is exhaling to get the stuff out of her lungs. So to keep her off the bi-pap we might have to wake her every hour to take deep breaths. The deep breaths should over come the situation we hope.We can only pray that will work


1 comment:

  1. When I received my tx, it was difficult to take deep breaths that first week or so mostly because of two reasons - the first being that there was some pain lingering around (even with the paid meds), and the second reason being that my body just wasn't used to being able to take a deep breath. I had to remind myself I was newly able to do so. Even when I was able to breathe well after the surgery, it took some extra time for my body/mind to remember this. Time will help with this! :-) Hugs to Lynda.
