Saturday, February 8, 2014


Still inpatient. Now the plan is for dismissal on Monday, barring any complications or setbacks. I most likely will go home on tube feeds and with a trach for just a few more days.

I'm still walking 20 laps daily and have felt pretty well. I have some congestion today that I can't seem to get up, and that's tired me out some, but I try to push on. They do xrays pretty much daily, and I just had one done, so if there is anything to worry about, I'm sure they'll let me know.

Sleep is coming easier, which is a blessing! They still wake me at midnight and 4 am, but I usually can go back to sleep.

If I get out on Monday, I will be starting pulmonary rehab shortly thereafter. I'm looking forward to that and to getting back into some kind of shape.

That's it for today! Have a wonderful weekend!
Hugs & Blessings,
Edited to say that "home" means our apartment in Durham. We probably won't be in Kansas until April.


  1. Praying for you Lynda!!! :):) stay strong and push on! :)

  2. Praise Jesus! Keep up the great work

  3. Wow! Fantastic! Thanks for the update!


  4. Thank you, now they are saying "early next week" for dismissal, so we'll see how it all works out.

  5. So good to hear Lynda, I am so happy for you and pray for you often.
