Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you had a good Thanksgiving meal and enjoyable time with your family. We sure have a lot to be thankful for as Americans. I thank God for the many blessings in my life.

The heart cath went well Monday, however, it did reveal that I have moderate to severe pulmonary hypertension, which is new to me. That was not there last year when I had a right heart cath done. The heart itself does work well, so when I get new lungs, the hypertension should correct itself.

Last weekend I ran low-grade fevers all weekend. Sunday night I noticed a rash on my trunk and upper legs. I also was very short of breath with exertion, so I knew something wasn't right. It's a long story, but Monday my heart cath was delayed, as the rash was something they felt needed attention, as it had worsened and spread further. The doctors finally decided to proceed with the heart cath.
It is strongly suspected that I am allergic to one of the IV meds I was using, so my doctor called off all meds to give my body a break over this weekend (yeah!). However, the rash keep going, even though the meds had stopped. So, I got to spend Thanksgiving morning at the ER. They gave me some IV Benedryl and a pretty good dose of steroids and that really helped! I will continue steroids for 4 more days. I so hope this rash will go away soon. It's terribly itchy. I am going to post a picture of my PICC line (rash very visible). I figure some of you may be curious what a PICC line looks like, and others will have no desire to see what a PICC looks like! lol
My PICC has 2 lumens, which means I can receive 2 meds at the same time if I want to. The medicine travels thru a vein in my arm and empties into the chest cavity, close to the heart, so it can be distributed.

  I apologize for the low quality phone picture!


  1. Thanks for the updates and pics, I appreciate them.
    Yes, we are very thankful, and especially for the friends & family God has given to us and blessings in abundance.
    I will pray that the hypertension does clear up when you get those new lungs, and that you get them real soon. I'm sorry you had problems, but pray you are feeling better now and the rash clears up and doesn't come back. Thank God for steroids, even tho we don't like the side effects.
    Hugs, and love and sending prayers your way.
    Mary K.

  2. That's a terrible way to spend thanksgiving day.Hope things emproves very soon. Keep energy level up and I pray things will work out well.hope you @ family are home safe and soon.

  3. Thank you for the comments--I hope both of you had a good Thanksgiving! The rash is MUCH improved with the added meds :) I hope it will be completely gone by the end of the weekend. Hugs,

  4. Lynda,
    Just read and...... ouch!!! You have had quite the last few days!! Thank goodness the rash is improving and you are feeling better. Hope next week is a good one for you and that things go well!! Praying for you!!

  5. So sorry about that terrible rash! You must just be miserable! Two suggestions to try. Liquid Benadryl applied topically alternated with high quality coconut oil. Or one or the other.I really hope that clears up quickly. It looks like one of my med reactions that took a while to heal up after stopping the drug. Sorry!
