Wednesday, December 4, 2013


I'm glad to report that the rash has almost resolved itself. There still are blotchy spots here and there, but it's not itchy or hives at this point, so that's good. The doctor is planning to re-start IVs this week, making some adjustments for the medication I am allergic to.

My big tests this week were a Esophageal Manometry test and a 24 hour PH Study test. You can look these up if you want to, but let me just say that they were not fun. The 24 hour test involved a small catheter inserted thru one side of my nose and down into the espophagus. The catheter remained there for 24 hours. This test measures acid reflux. If acid backs up into the esophogus and is aspirated into the new lungs, post transplant, it can be pretty serious. For this reason, they like to have an idea of what they may be dealing with ahead of time with GERD, acid reflux, etc. so they can treat it or correct it.  I'm glad to have that behind me!

I have a sonogram of my liver this Friday, then I expect the transplant team will meet next Tuesday to make a decision about accepting me into the Duke program. If I am accepted, I will still have to complete their pulmonary rehab program, which will take a few weeks, then, God willing, I should be ready to be listed for transplant!

As always, thank you for checking in, for your thoughts and prayers, and I hope you have a blessed day :)


  1. Will they tell you on Tuesday if you're a candidate? Thinking of you and missing you. xoxo

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