Friday, March 8, 2013

Good News!

I found out this week that the final report on culture #2 did NOT show mycobacterium abscessus on it!! Praise The Lord for that!! I also called my local doctor's office yesterday to check on sample #3 and the nurse said that nothing had shown up yet, so that's good news, however, we still have 4 weeks to wait for the final results. I hope and pray that it will continue to not show any growth of mycobacterium! I have an appointment at Barnes Jewish in April and all culture results should be in by then, so we'll see what the next step is. I'm assuming it's to be put back on the transplant list.  If I can milk these old lungs for a bit longer, I'd like to wait until after graduation to transplant. One thing God has shown me through all of this is that He's in control and it's ALL in His timing, not mine, which is hard for me, as I am a "planner". lol

I've been feeling OK lately. Good days and bad days, but it seems there are more good ones. Been keeping busy helping Dakota with prom and graduation planning--it's hard to believe that she is graduating from High School soon!! She also has been accepted at Butler Community College for the Fall semester, so we are excited about that! She's still undecided on a major, but wants to get the prerequisites out of the way.

Thank you for the prayers and I'm sorry for not being better about updating on how I'm doing.

Have a great weekend!