Sunday, November 17, 2013


No big news to report, just sharing…

We are somewhat settled in Durham. We are living in a hotel now, but we plan to move to an apartment if/when I get accepted into the Duke transplant program. Durham is a nice city, with a lot of trees! We were a week or two late to experience the full splendor of Autumn here, but we caught a glimpse of it with a few trees that haven’t shed all of their leaves yet. Often times the streets are lined with trees, which I’m not used, but I think it’s kind of neat. The traffic here surprised me, for sure! It’s Kellogg and I-135 at rush hour, combined! I thought Durham would be a sleepy little college town…ha! I think the fact that Raleigh is so close contributes to the traffic. In all fairness, I have to admit that Garry and Shelly have done all of the driving thus far, but I still experience the traffic as a back-seat driver (which is accurate, just ask them)! lol

I'm glad a lot of people in the medical profession have weekends off! Finally, a couple of days to rest some! This last week has been a whirlwind between packing, arriving in North Carolina, continuing IV therapy, and starting pulmonary rehab. I must say that pulmonary rehab is a little more than I was used to in Wichita, but I had already heard that through the grapevine. I started rehab by walking 15 minutes on a track (not a treadmill) and they encouraged me to not take breaks during this time, if I could stand it. I whizzed right through it, which surprised me! I do have to say that I have had more energy than normal lately, and for that I am thankful! That can all change tomorrow, but I will enjoy it as long as I can. After the walk, I did arm weights on various machines, did some exercises with a big ball, and then moved to the "bike". To me a bike is where your feet go in a downward/upward rotation on pedals; to them a bike is where you sit, place your feet on square pedals?, and push your feet forward, in front of you, against some resistance. I think I'll take the rotation for $200, please. lol I then went to a floor/mat group and did stretches and weights there. I did well on the walk, but learned that I sure need to build strength in the other areas. I'm so glad I had already been working some of these muscles with the group in Wichita (miss you guys!), or I would be in worse shape.

This next week is going to be packed with a lot of testing; finishing off the week with a right heart cath on Friday. Of course, your thoughts and continued prayers are appreciated.  Have a great week!



  1. Can't wait to see the new ''buff'' Lynda!! Keep up the good work! We think and pray for you everyday! Love, Mike, Jolynn, and Kasen

  2. Sounds like your serious about beating me in a future 5K run. Guess I better start training too. Love you and enjoyed your post. Tosha xoxo
