Sunday, February 16, 2014


I hope you all had a good weekend. It was a snowy weekend around here. Because of the weather, and the fact that the city shuts down, pretty much, when it snows, I have 2 shipments that contain medical supplies that are MIA! They should have shipped them via FedEx, then they would be here! lol I had to borrow some tube feed supplies from a fellow lung transplantee and neighbor here in the complex to get me by until tomorrow!

My doctor's appointment went well. He tweaked a couple of my meds and is ready to get my trach out, as am I. I have my 1 month bronch scheduled for Tuesday, so Dr thought it would be good to leave the trach in to make the bronch easier, then they can remove it after the bronch if they felt comfortable in doing so after seeing the results of the bronch. I will be at least lightly sedated for this bronch, as they take samples to check for rejection, and I'm not sure what else during these. Prayers appreciated that all goes well, please. I also have quite a relationship with pretty much all anesthesias, and get sick to my stomach afterwards, so I hope I do OK, as I certainly don't want to aspirate anything into my lungs!
My blood sugar was too high to exercise at pulmonary rehab, but I had a consult to learn what I’ll be doing anyway. I hope I can get a better handle on these blood sugars. A couple of the medications I’m on really can raise them!
I’ve been doing pretty well. My back really starts talking to me after I’m upright for too long, whether it be walking, sitting, whatever, so a few rest breaks throughout the day are needed. I still get a bit winded, but it seems to be getting better. It will be interesting to see how I do with the trach removed. I think I’ll do OK, hopefully I will be able to breathe better! 
I feel like I’m rambling now, so will sign off. I hope you all have a wonderful week filled with God’s blessings!


  1. I prayed this morning that your bronchoscpy went well, and that they find no "bugs" in there. Hope you are recovering well from the anesthetic with no after effects.
    Love in Christ,
    Mary K

  2. Thank you Mary-I pray that is the case too. I continue to pray for you as well.
    Love in Christ to you too!
